Página Web Personal de Roberto Mínguez


(English version)

Consultor independente
 Ciudad Real (SPAIN)

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  Publicaciones científicas

  Publicaciones científicas con proceso anónimo de revisión por pares

En este apartado se adjuntan copias de todas las publicaciones presentadas. Nótese que todas se corresponden con artículos científicos indexados:
  1. Castillo, E., Fernández-Canteli, A., and Mínguez, R. Computing failure probabilities. Applications to reliability analysis. PDF link Reliability Engineering and System Safety 77 (2002), 131-141.
  2. Castillo, E., Conejo, A., Mínguez, R., and Castillo, C. An alternative approach for addressing the failure probability-safety factor method with sensitivity analysis. PDF link Reliability Engineering and System Safety 82, 2 (2003), 207-216.
  3. Castillo, E., Losada, M., Mínguez, R., Castillo, C., and Baquerizo, A. An optimal engineering design method that combines safety factors and failures probabilities: Application to rubble-mound breakwaters. PDF link Journal of Waterways, Ports, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE 130, 2 (2004), 77-88.
  4. Castillo, E., Mínguez, R., Ruíz-Terán, A., and Fernández-Canteli, A. Design and sensitivity analysis using the probability-safety-factor method. An application to retaining walls. PDF link Structural Safety 26 (2004), 159-179.
  5. Mínguez, R., Castillo, E., and Hadi, A. S. Solving the inverse reliability problem using decomposition techniques. PDF link Structural Safety 27 (2005), 1-23.
  6. Castillo, E., Mínguez, R., Ruíz-Terán, A., and Fernández-Canteli, A. Design of a composite beam using the probability-safety-factor method. PDF link International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 62 (2005), 1148-1182.
  7. Conejo, A., Castillo, E., Mínguez, R., and Milano, F. Locational marginal price sensitivities. PDF link IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 20, 4 (November 2005), 2026-2033.
  8. Castillo, E., Conejo, A., Castillo, C., Mínguez, R., and Ortigosa, D. Perturbation approach to sensitivity analysis in nonlinear programming. PDF link Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 128, 1 (January 2006), 49-74.
  9. Castillo, E., Conejo, A., Mínguez, R., and Castillo, C. A closed formula for local sensitivity analysis in mathematical programming. PDF link Engineering Optimization 38, 1 (January 2006), 93-112.
  10. Castillo, E., Pruneda, R., Solares, C., and Mínguez, R. Interpreting linear systems of equalities and inequalities. Application to the water supply problem. PDF link Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 13 (2006), 361-397.
  11. Castillo, C., Mínguez, R., Castillo, E., and Losada, M. An optimal engineering design method with failure rate constraints and sensitivity analysis. Application to composite breakwaters. PDF link Coastal Engineering 53 (2006), 1-25.
  12. Castillo, E., Conejo, A., Castillo, C., and Mínguez, R. Solving ordinary differential equations with ranged conditions. Applications. PDF link SIAM review 48, 2 (2006), 307-317.
  13. Mínguez, R., Castillo, E., Castillo, C., and Losada, M. Optimal cost design with sensitivity analysis using decomposition techniques. Application to composite breakwaters. PDF link Structural Safety 28 (2006), 321-340.
  14. Mínguez, R., Delgado, F., Escuder, I., and Membrillera, M. G. Reliability assessment of granular filters in embankment dams. PDF link International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 30 (2006), 1019-1037.
  15. Castillo, E., Mínguez, R., Castillo, C., and Cofiño, C. Dealing with the multiplicity of solutions of the l1 and l¥ regression models. PDF link European Journal of Operational Research 188 (2008), 460-484.
  16. Castillo, E., Castillo, C., Hadi, A. S., and Mínguez, R. Duality and local sensitivity analysis in least squares, minimax, and least absolute values regressions. PDF link Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 78 , 10 (2008), 887-909.
  17. Mínguez, R., and Conejo, A. State estimation sensitivity analysis. PDF link IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 22, 3 (August 2007), 1080-1091.
  18. Castillo, E., Conejo, A. J., Castillo, C., and Mínguez, R. Closed formulas in local sensitivity analysis for some classes of linear and non-linear problems. PDF link TOP 15, 2 (2007), 355-371.
  19. Mínguez, R., Milano, F., Zárate-Miñano, R., and Conejo, A. J. Optimal network placement of SVC devices. PDF link IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 22, 4 (November 2007), 1851-1860.
  20. Castillo, E., Mínguez, R., and Castillo, C. Sensitivity analysis in optimization and reliability problems. PDF link Reliability Engineering and System Safety 93 (2008), 1788-1800.
  21. Mínguez, R., and Castillo, E. Reliability-based Optimization in Engineering using Decomposition Techniques and FORMS. PDF link Structural Safety 31 (2009), 214-223.
  22. Castillo, E. and Hadi, A. S. and Mínguez, R. Diagnostics for non-linear regression. PDF link Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 79 (9) (2009), 1109-1128.
  23. Caro, E. and Conejo, A. J. and Mínguez, R. Power System State Estimation Considering Measurement Dependencies. PDF link IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 24 (4) (2009), 1875-1885.
  24. Mínguez, R., Oosterhaven, J., and Escobedo, F. Cell Corrected RAS Method (CRAS) for Updating or Regionalizing a Matrix. PDF link Journal of Regional Science 49 (2) (2009), 329-348.
  25. Mínguez, R., Sánchez-Cambronero, S., Jiménez, P. and Castillo, E. Optimal traffic plate scanning location for O-D trip matrix and route estimation in road networks. PDF link Transportation Research Part B 44 (2) (2010), 282-298.
  26. Morales, J. M., Mínguez, R. and Conejo, A. J. A Methodology to Generate Statistically Dependent Wind Speed Scenarios. PDF link Applied Energy 87 (2010), 843-855.
  27. Morales, J. M., Baringo, L., Conejo, A. J. and Mínguez, R. Probabilistic Power Flow with Correlated Loads and Wind Sources. PDF link IET Gener. Transm. Distrib. 4 (5) (2010), 641-651.
  28. Mínguez, R., Méndez, F. J., Izaguirre, C., Menéndez, M. and Losada, I. J. Pseudo-Optimal Parameter Selection of Non-Stationary Generalized Extreme Value Models for Environmental Variables. PDF link Environmental Modelling & Software 25 (2010), 1592-1607.
  29. Mínguez, R., Méndez, F. J., Izaguirre, C., Menéndez, M. and Losada, I. J. Sensitivity Analysis of Time-Dependent Generalized Extreme Value Models for Environmental Variables for Ocean Climate Variables. PDF link Advances in Water Resources 33 (2010), 833-845.
  30. Caro, E., Morales, J. M., Conejo, A. J. and Mínguez, R. Calculation of Measurement Correlations using Point Estimate. PDF link IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 25(4) (2010), 2095-2103, doi:10.1109/TPWRD.2010.2041796.
  31. Caro, E., Conejo, A. J., and Mínguez, R. A sensitivity analysis method to compute the residual covariance matrix. PDF link Electric Power Systems Research 81 (2011), 1071-1078.
  32. Mínguez, R., Conejo, A. J., and García-Bertrand, R. Reliability and decomposition techniques to solve certain class of stochastic programming problems. PDF link Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 96 (2011), 314-323.
  33. Mínguez, R., Conejo, A. J., and Castillo, E. Optimal engineering design via benders' decomposition. PDF link Annals of Operation Research , (2011), 1-21, doi:10.1007/s10479-011-0890-7.
  34. Castillo, E., Mínguez, R., Conejo, A. J., Pérez, B., and Fontela, O. Estimating the parameters of a fatigue model using benders decomposition. PDF link Annals of Operation Research , - (2011), 1-23, doi: 10.1007/s10479-011-0891-6.
  35. Mínguez, R., Espejo, A., Tomás, A., Méndez, F. J., and Losada, I. J. Directional calibration of wave reanalysis databases using instrumental data. PDF link J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol. 28 (2011), 1466-1485, doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-11-00008.1.
  36. Castillo, E., Mínguez, R., Hadi, A., and Castillo, C. Improving parameter estimation using constrained optimization methods. PDF link Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 82 (10) (2011), 1471-1499, doi: 10.1080/00949655.2011.583247.
  37. Caro, E., Conejo, A. J., and Mínguez, R. Decentralized state estimation and bad measurement identification: An efficient lagrangian relaxation approach. PDF link IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 26 (4) (2011), 2500-2508.
  38. Caro, E., Conejo, A. J., Mínguez, R., Zima, M., and Göran, A. Multiple bad data identification considering measurement dependencies. PDF link IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 26 (4) (2011), 1953-1961, doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2011.2157366.
  39. Mínguez, R., Reguero, B. G., Luceño, A., and Méndez, F. J. Regression Models for Outlier Identification (Hurricanes and Typhoons) in Wave Hindcast Databases. PDF link Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology , 29 (2012), 267–-285, doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-11-00059.1.
  40. Frías, M. D., Mínguez, R., Gutiérrez, J. M., and Méndez, F. J. Future regional projections of extreme temperatures in Europe: A nonstationary seasonal approach. PDF link Climatic Change 113(2) (2012), 371-392, doi: 10.1007/s10584-011-0351-y.
  41. Mínguez, R., Abascal, A. J., Castanedo, S., and Medina, R. Stochastic Lagrangian Trajectory Model for Drifting Objects in the Ocean. PDF link Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 26 (2012), 1081-1093, doi: 10.1007/s00477-011-0548-7.
  42. Reguero, B. J., Menéndez, M., Méndez, F. J., Mínguez, R., and Losada, I. J. A global ocean wave (GOW) calibrated reanalysis from 1948 onwards. PDF link Coastal Engineering 65 (2012), 38-55. doi: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2012.03.003
  43. Mínguez, R., Tomás, A., Méndez, F. J., and Medina, R. Mixed extreme wave climate model for reanalysis databases. PDF link Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment , ( 2012), doi: 10.1007/s00477-012-0604-y.
  44. García-Bertrand, R., and Mínguez, R. Iterative scenario based reduction technique for optimizing the conditional value-at-risk. PDF link Optimization and Engineering, ( 2012), doi: 10.1007/s11081-012-9201-7.
  45. Mínguez, R., Guanche, Y., and Méndez, F. J. Point-in-time and extreme-value probability simulation technique for engineering design. PDF link Structural Safety 41, 29-36 (2012), doi: 10.1016/j.strusafe.2012.10.002.
  46. Izaguirre, C., Menéndez, M., Camus, P., Méndez, F. J., Mínguez, R., and Losada, I. J. Exploring the interannual variability of extreme wave climate in the northeast atlantic ocean. PDF link Ocean Modelling 59-60, - (2012), 31-40, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2012.09.007.
  47. Pérez, B., Mínguez, R., and Guanche, R. Offshore wind farm layout optimization using mathematical programming techniques. PDF link Renewable energy 53 (May 2013), 389-399.
  48. Caro, E., Mínguez, R., and Conejo, A. J. Robust WLS estimator using reweighting techniques for electric energy systems. PDF link Electric Power Systems Research 104 (2013), 9-17.
  49. Guanche, Y., Mínguez, R., and Méndez, F. J. Autoregressive logistic regression applied to atmospheric circulation patterns. PDF link Clim Dyn 42, 1-2 (2014), 537-552, doi: 10.1007/s00382-013-1690-3
  50. Losada, I. J., Reguero, B. G., Méndez, F. J., Castanedo, S., Abascal, A. J., and Mínguez, R. Long term changes in sea-level components in latin america and the Caribbean coast. PDF link Global and Planetary Change 104, (2013), 34-50.
  51. Simarro, G., Galan, A., Mínguez, R., and Orfila, A. Narrow banded wave propagation from very deep waters to the shore. PDF link Coastal Engineering 77, - (2013), 140-150.
  52. Prieto Sierra, C., García Alonso, E., Mínguez, R., and Medina Santamaría, R. Proposal of a lumped hydrological model based on general equations of growth: Application to five watersheds in the UK. PDF link Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 10, 7 (2013), 9309-9361.
  53. Mínguez, R., Guanche, Y., and Méndez, F. J. Closure of discussion: Point-in-time and extreme-value probability simulation technique for engineering design. PDF link Structural Safety 46 (2014), 5-7.
  54. Guanche, Y., Mínguez, R., and Méndez, F. J. Climate-based monte carlo simulation of trivariate sea states. PDF link Coastal Engineering 80 (2013), 107-121.
  55. Gouldby, B., Méndez, F. J., Guanche, Y., Rueda, A., and Mínguez, R. A methodology for deriving extreme nearshore sea conditions for structural design and flood risk analysis. PDF link Coastal Engineering 88 (2014), 15-26.
  56. Díaz-Hernández, G., Méndez, F. J., and Mínguez, R. Numerical analysis and diagnosis of the hydrodynamic effects produced by hurricane Gordon on the coast of Spain. PDF link Weather and Forecasting 29 (2014), 666-683.
  57. Mínguez, R., and Del Jésus, F. Revisited mixed extreme wave climate model for reanalysis databases. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment - (2014), -. Accepted for publication. PDF link

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